Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I'm not making this up.

This is the jurisprudence outline we were given in class today as a course overview. Some would argue that it's pretty representative of the course, actually. The random date in the lower third on the right is a copyright notice. I think.


Anonymous said...

Yeah...I'm pretty sure April 31st isn't an actual date.

Patrick said...
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Patrick said...

Yeah, Blakey gave this to us on the last day of class Fall of '05. I think he does it to intimidate you. Don't let it.

Anonymous said...

that's hilarious. it pretty much sums up how i feel about the class, too . . . from across the pond. good luck! -c

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Yep. Don't have Blakey for jurisprudence -- he teaches Crim Law to first semester Law students now. Any tips for a struggling 1L in Blakey's class?

Becca said...

I wish I could help more. Profs seem to have a different MO for 1L classes than their other classes. Since our grade was a paper rather than a test, I can't even tell you about his testing. For his papers, though, know that he has a thing for grammar and word precision. I actually ended up doing pretty well. He really wants students to think independently and form opinions about things. I don't know if that will be so apparent or helpful on a 1L exam though... Good luck!

Oh, hint for ANY exam: If there are any past exams available (and most are), TAKE THEM!!! This is a crucial bit of advice I missed my first year and it hurt me. This is the ONLY way to properly know how to prepare for the exam.